Practical Training Session on CMIE-ProwessIQ database

An extensive practical training session on CMIE-ProwessIQ database was organized by the E-Resources Centre, Allama Iqbal Library and the proceedings of the training session was conducted by the technical person Mr. Rajeev Ranjan, Asst. Vice President, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

ProwessIQ is a database of the financials of Indian companies. Annual Reports of companies is the most important source of this database. For listed companies, the Prowess database contains additional data sourced from the stock exchanges. ProwessIQ provides time-series data beginning 1989-90. The database is updated on a continuous basis.

The practical training session was conducted at International Students’ Cell (ISC), Allama Iqbal Library on Thursday, 25 July, 2019 from 11:00 a.m to 01:00 p.m. and number of participants including research scholars and students from the departments of Commerce, Economics and Management studies participated in the training session. The training session ended with vote of thanks to the technical person from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. (CMIE).

  • Event Date: 25-Jul-2019
  • Venue: Allama Iqbal Library.
  • File: View