31st August, 2015- 5th September, 2015 
Free Technical Assistance to September 2014 Flood affected Colleges of Kashmir Valley


  • Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir in collaboration with INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network) Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat (an Autonomous Inter-University Centre of University Grants Commission) organized a free technical assistance programme for September 2014 flood affected colleges of Kashmir valley using Software for University Libraries (SOUL1.0/SOUL 2.0) for library automation during 31st August, 2015 to 5th September, 2015. A team of two persons visited our valley from the INFLIBNET Centre and in collaboration with our experts from Allama Iqbal Library installed the software afresh in many leading government colleges of Kashmir Valley free of charge.
  • The team covered eight colleges in Kashmir valley and one government department including Govt. Amar Singh College, Gogjibagh; S.P College, M.A. Road; Govt. College for Women, M.A. Road; Government College of Education, M.A Road; Government Medical College, Srinagar; Govt. Women’s Polytechnic, Bemina; and Department of Floriculture, Emporium Garden, Srinagar  where in most cases SOUL server and databases were completely damaged and new installations were undertaken with upgraded version of the software along with WebOpac. 
  • On 4th September, 2015, One day training programme on Library automation using SOUL 2.0 software was also organized by Allama Iqbal Library for providing hands-on-training to the Library professionals of the flood affected colleges.

12 August, 2015 (Librarians' Day)


While inaugurating the seminar, Registrar University of Kashmir, Prof. Zafar A. Reshi in his presidential address emphasized to consider and address the key issues that libraries face today all over the world in attracting more users to libraries.
He said that the Allama Iqbal Library, KU has to act as a facilitator in increasing the access of students, scholars and teachers to its resources especially keeping in view the devastating floods of last year during which most of the libraries at college level suffered huge loss of infrastructure and rich manuscripts.
Prof. Reshi said that the Librarians as well as the libraries have to stay relevant in changing times to serve the intellectual, informative, educative and scholastic needs of the clientele who are more aware and informed today due to advancement made in the field of Information and technology.
In his Keynote address, University Librarian, Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), Prof. Wajih A. Alvi, highlighted the changing role of libraries in present ICT era.
He said that accessing and exploiting electronic information resources prompted libraries to make use of ICT in a big way to harvest Big Data from the Deep Web.
He further stressed to devise programmes and methods to bridge the gap between the teachers and practitioners of the profession and modify the courses of studies in our LIS schools that produce the professionals.
University Librarian & Head PG Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kashmir Dr. Abdul Majid Baba highlighted the most pressing issues, the profession faces presently and stressed to find ways to respond effectively to various developments in order to meet user expectations. 
He added that if Librarians are to survive in the information economy, they must accept the challenge and respond proactively.
Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone presented vote of thanks on the occasion while as Dr. Sumeer Gul, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science conducted the proceedings of the inaugural session.




Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir celebrated Librarians’ day in remembrance of Professor (Dr.) S. R. Ranganathan (1892-1972) popularly known as the “Father of Library Science in India” and “World Librarian”, who had spearheaded Library development in India and abroad by organizing one day seminar on “Digital Library Solutions with special reference to Jammu and Kashmir” on 12th August, 2015 at Ibn Khaldun Auditorium. The seminar was sponsored by the Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.

Various participants including College Librarians, Library professionals, Faculty members, Research scholars & Students of Library & Information science of Kashmir Valley participated in the seminar.

In the inaugural address the Chief Guest on the occasion Prof. Sheikh Javid Ahmed, Dean Research, University of Kashmir highlighted the importance of a Library and the contribution of various Libraries particularly Allama Iqbal Library in the dissemination of knowledge.

Prof. Naseem Ahmad Shah, Dean Social Science, University of Kashmir in his keynote address informed the participants and other audience about the contribution made by various civilizations in past towards development of Libraries and the importance of Libraries in the present era.

Earlier, Dr. Abdul Majid Baba, University Librarian, University of Kashmir in his welcome address focused on the contribution of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan towards Library and Information Science.

The seminar proceedings were conducted by Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone, Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir.

Key Highlights of the Day:-

Presentation by Mr. Ebi John Amos, Director of Sales, Higher Education Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. Besides. Mr. John informed the participants about the various useful products launched by the company.
Photo Exhibition of World renowned Librarians & Libraries;'
Special lectures on the theme by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, Assistant Professor, The Business School, University of Kashmir and Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone, Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir
Presentation by Mr. Ebi John Amos, Director of Sales, Higher Education Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. Besides. Mr. John informed the participants about the various useful products launched by the company.
Photo Exhibition of World renowned Librarians & Libraries;'
Special lectures on the theme by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, Assistant Professor, The Business School, University of Kashmir and Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone, Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir


  • Presentation by Mr. Ebi John Amos, Director of Sales, Higher Education Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. Besides. Mr. John informed the participants about the various useful products launched by the company.
  • Photo Exhibition of World renowned Librarians & Libraries;
  • Special lectures on the theme by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi, Assistant Professor, The Business School, University of Kashmir and Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone, Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir

15-17 JUNE, 2015 (3-Day Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) workshop)


While inaugurating the seminar, Registrar University of Kashmir, Prof. Zafar A. Reshi in his presidential address emphasized to consider and address the key issues that libraries face today all over the world in attracting more users to libraries.
He said that the Allama Iqbal Library, KU has to act as a facilitator in increasing the access of students, scholars and teachers to its resources especially keeping in view the devastating floods of last year during which most of the libraries at college level suffered huge loss of infrastructure and rich manuscripts.
Prof. Reshi said that the Librarians as well as the libraries have to stay relevant in changing times to serve the intellectual, informative, educative and scholastic needs of the clientele who are more aware and informed today due to advancement made in the field of Information and technology.
In his Keynote address, University Librarian, Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), Prof. Wajih A. Alvi, highlighted the changing role of libraries in present ICT era.
He said that accessing and exploiting electronic information resources prompted libraries to make use of ICT in a big way to harvest Big Data from the Deep Web.
He further stressed to devise programmes and methods to bridge the gap between the teachers and practitioners of the profession and modify the courses of studies in our LIS schools that produce the professionals.
University Librarian & Head PG Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kashmir Dr. Abdul Majid Baba highlighted the most pressing issues, the profession faces presently and stressed to find ways to respond effectively to various developments in order to meet user expectations. 
He added that if Librarians are to survive in the information economy, they must accept the challenge and respond proactively.
Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone presented vote of thanks on the occasion while as Dr. Sumeer Gul, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science conducted the proceedings of the inaugural session.



The 3-Day Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) workshop & Career Counselling Workshop for the Visually Impaired Persons was held during 15th to 17th June, 2015 at Ibn Khaldun Auditorium, Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir. The workshop was organized by SPECIAL CELL, Department of Students Welfare, University of Kashmir in association with National Association for the Blind, New Delhi; Bookshare Online Library / CIS Bangaluru. Besides the above,  the workshop was collaborated by Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir; J&K D-ABLED (Org.) Humanity Welfare Org. HELP-LINE (NGO) & Spectrum Welfare Society for the Blind (SWSB), Srinagar.

On the inaugural function of the workshop various speakers highlighted the importance of the workshop and its usefulness for the betterment of visually impaired person. Dr Asgar Hassan Samoon (IAS) Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir and the Chief Guest of the occasion in his speech urged education institutes and Universities to help differently abled students in getting admissions to what he called as “inclusive education”. We don’t want to separate them from rest of the society, we want society to accept them and behave as normally as they can,” he told the gathering.

He added that special school for differently abled is not a good option for them as it also separates them from the rest of the society.“I want them to seek education in normal schools and seek education just like other students. I will call upon all the stakeholders including private schools to sensitize their staff about the need to help differently abled to get education,” he said.

On the occasion, Station Director Radio Kashmir Mr. Humayun Qaiser said, Government in Jammu and Kashmir “does not exist” for differently abled people. “Government in our State could have saved eyes of 80 % of people from the total number of visually impaired but they ignored their issues and didn’t take any step to save them. This is the level of health care that the differently abled people get in J&K, which simply means government does not exist for them,” he added,

University Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir Dr. Abdul Majid Baba in his welcome note said, the main objective of the workshop is to train differently abled to know about the new technologies for differently abled people.He also stressed that 50 percent of the visually impaired people are illiterate in J&K.This issue needs to be addressed, he said. 

CEO NAB (National Association for the Blind) New Delhi Dr. Homiyar Mobedji, (himself visually impaired) in his address said that education is the fundamental right of every one; be it differently abled or abled people, so society should behave normally and help visually impaired people to seek education.

“We are from the category of visually impaired people but we want society to accept us as normal human beings. We don’t want another world for differently,” he added.

He also said that “The idea of this workshop is to ensure that visually-impaired persons have access to education so that they are able to create a place for themselves in the society with honour and dignity,”. “We would teach the participants how technology would support their education and how they can make their careers with mobility and technical knowhow,” he added.

The inaugural function ended with the vote of thanks by Mr. Shaheel Mohammad, Coordinator, Special Cell, University of Kashmir.

Other Highlights of the Day:-

  • Presentation of Reading & Writing using NVDA software in Urdu/ Hindi languages;
  • Reading solutions through Bookshare Online Library  for people with print disabilities;
  • Career Counselling and important aspects for building the career for the parsons with visual impairments ;
  • Exhibition in Assistive Devices for independent living such as Talking Clock, Rupee Checker, Smart Can, DAISY reader etc.



While inaugurating the seminar, Registrar University of Kashmir, Prof. Zafar A. Reshi in his presidential address emphasized to consider and address the key issues that libraries face today all over the world in attracting more users to libraries.
He said that the Allama Iqbal Library, KU has to act as a facilitator in increasing the access of students, scholars and teachers to its resources especially keeping in view the devastating floods of last year during which most of the libraries at college level suffered huge loss of infrastructure and rich manuscripts.
Prof. Reshi said that the Librarians as well as the libraries have to stay relevant in changing times to serve the intellectual, informative, educative and scholastic needs of the clientele who are more aware and informed today due to advancement made in the field of Information and technology.
In his Keynote address, University Librarian, Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), Prof. Wajih A. Alvi, highlighted the changing role of libraries in present ICT era.
He said that accessing and exploiting electronic information resources prompted libraries to make use of ICT in a big way to harvest Big Data from the Deep Web.
He further stressed to devise programmes and methods to bridge the gap between the teachers and practitioners of the profession and modify the courses of studies in our LIS schools that produce the professionals.
University Librarian & Head PG Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kashmir Dr. Abdul Majid Baba highlighted the most pressing issues, the profession faces presently and stressed to find ways to respond effectively to various developments in order to meet user expectations. 
He added that if Librarians are to survive in the information economy, they must accept the challenge and respond proactively.
Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone presented vote of thanks on the occasion while as Dr. Sumeer Gul, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science conducted the proceedings of the inaugural session.


With an aim to inculcate reading habits among the younger generation and accentuate the importance of books in our lives a day long events were organized by Allama Iqbal Library on the occasion of World Book and Copyright Day at Ibn Khaldun Auditorium on 23rd April 2015.

The event was presided over by the Prof. Khurshid Iqbal Andrabi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir. Prof. Andrabi highlighted the role of modern technology in changing and transforming the traditional and classical structures, forms and modes of book reading. Prof Andrabi said people particularly scholars should be sensitized with issues of copyright and made aware of how to present their thesis without violating copyright.

Further, he said “If libraries have withstood the onslaught of technology, they must be having something special to offer. But at the same time, we cannot undermine the compulsions of technology and for sustenance, the classical library set up has to be blended with the demands of modern times.” 
Registrar KU, Prof. Zaffar A Reshi said there were books which changed the course of history in the past and even today there are people in the world whose writings have the potential to change the course of entire civilization and society. 

Senior journalist and editor-in-chief, Rising Kashmir, Shujaat Bukhari while emphasizing upon the need of inculcating reading habits amongst younger people said “ Books are the only source of soul-searching, the divine message which came from Almighty Allah also came from a book and therefore books are important for our growth and development.” Further, Bukhari said that printed books are endangered format now because of the emergence of new technologies but whatever the medium a person should get used to qualitative reading.

University Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library, Dr. Abdul Majid Baba, in his welcome address, said “There has been a great revolution in information technology. We have e-books available but traditional print has its own value.” Referring to the losses suffered by various colleges in the September, 2014 deluge, Dr. Baba said “Allama Iqbal Library, in cooperation with several publishers, distributed books to various colleges including some school libraries affected with floods”.

Dr. Abdul Wahid, former head, Department of Medicine, SKIMS, while highlighting the need of books, said “Book reading creates a different impact on the mind and a reader develops a sense of belonging which we do not find in the case of Internet.”

Other highlights of the Day included:-

  • Book distribution to Flood affected Colleges and other Institutions;
  • Exhibition of Old & Rare books available in Allama Iqbal Library
  • Photo Exhibition of World Renowned Libraries;
  • Exhibition of latest arrivals of books pertaining to various Competitive Exams.
  • Special Lecture by Senior journalist and editor-in-chief, Rising Kashmir, Shujaat Bukhari
  • Prize & Certificate distribution to the most Frequent Users of Allama Iqbal Library.

24-25 March, 2015(Two Days National Seminar on “Issues related to the Library and Information Science Profession in the North-Western Region of India”)


While inaugurating the seminar, Registrar University of Kashmir, Prof. Zafar A. Reshi in his presidential address emphasized to consider and address the key issues that libraries face today all over the world in attracting more users to libraries.
He said that the Allama Iqbal Library, KU has to act as a facilitator in increasing the access of students, scholars and teachers to its resources especially keeping in view the devastating floods of last year during which most of the libraries at college level suffered huge loss of infrastructure and rich manuscripts.
Prof. Reshi said that the Librarians as well as the libraries have to stay relevant in changing times to serve the intellectual, informative, educative and scholastic needs of the clientele who are more aware and informed today due to advancement made in the field of Information and technology.
In his Keynote address, University Librarian, Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), Prof. Wajih A. Alvi, highlighted the changing role of libraries in present ICT era.
He said that accessing and exploiting electronic information resources prompted libraries to make use of ICT in a big way to harvest Big Data from the Deep Web.
He further stressed to devise programmes and methods to bridge the gap between the teachers and practitioners of the profession and modify the courses of studies in our LIS schools that produce the professionals.
University Librarian & Head PG Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kashmir Dr. Abdul Majid Baba highlighted the most pressing issues, the profession faces presently and stressed to find ways to respond effectively to various developments in order to meet user expectations. 
He added that if Librarians are to survive in the information economy, they must accept the challenge and respond proactively.
Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone presented vote of thanks on the occasion while as Dr. Sumeer Gul, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science conducted the proceedings of the inaugural session.

The Department of Library and Information Science (LIS), University of Kashmir in collaboration with Allama Iqbal Library, University of Kashmir organized two days “National Seminar on Issues related to the Library and Information Science Profession in the North-Western Region of India” which started here at KU on 24thMarch, 2015 (Tuesday).

The seminar was sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). Number of participants from within and outside the state participated and presented their papers in various sessions of the seminar.

While inaugurating the seminar, Registrar University of Kashmir, Prof. Zafar A. Reshi in his presidential address emphasized to consider and address the key issues that libraries face today all over the world in attracting more users to libraries.

He said that the Allama Iqbal Library, KU has to act as a facilitator in increasing the access of students, scholars and teachers to its resources especially keeping in view the devastating floods of last year during which most of the libraries at college level suffered huge loss of infrastructure and rich manuscripts.

Prof. Reshi said that the Librarians as well as the libraries have to stay relevant in changing times to serve the intellectual, informative, educative and scholastic needs of the clientele who are more aware and informed today due to advancement made in the field of Information and technology.

In his Keynote address, University Librarian, Islamic University of Science & Technology (IUST), Prof. Wajih A. Alvi, highlighted the changing role of libraries in present ICT era.

He said that accessing and exploiting electronic information resources prompted libraries to make use of ICT in a big way to harvest Big Data from the Deep Web.

He further stressed to devise programmes and methods to bridge the gap between the teachers and practitioners of the profession and modify the courses of studies in our LIS schools that produce the professionals.

University Librarian & Head PG Department of Library & Information Science, University of Kashmir Dr. Abdul Majid Baba highlighted the most pressing issues, the profession faces presently and stressed to find ways to respond effectively to various developments in order to meet user expectations. 

He added that if Librarians are to survive in the information economy, they must accept the challenge and respond proactively.

Assistant Librarian, Allama Iqbal Library Mr. Mohammad Ishaq Lone presented vote of thanks on the occasion while as Dr. Sumeer Gul, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science conducted the proceedings of the inaugural session.