The history of Kashmir University Library dates back to 1948 with the inception of "University of Jammu and Kashmir". It was established to cater to the academic and research needs of the scholars, students and teachers of University of Kashmir. With the split of the erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir University in 1969, the collection of the library was shared by the libraries of two Universities Viz., University of Jammu and University of Kashmir. In 1975, the Central Library of the University of Kashmir was shifted to its present multistoried building.In 1984, it was renamed as IQBAL LIBRARY and as ALLAMA IQBAL LIBRARY in July 2002. The Library is presently the Centre of the University Library System, having Seventy Two(72) Seminar Libraries attached with different Departments, Centres, and the Institutes of the University. The Allama Iqbal Library along with its network of libraries is the largest library system in the state and caters to the academic needs of the large number of University community consisting of faculty members, research scholars, PG and diploma students in various disciplines.
The Allama Iqbal Library has 25 Divisions/ Campus Libraries. The library also provides useful and research oriented services to the reading community in calm, cozy and clean atmosphere. At present, it has a collection of more than 8.0 lac books. Allama Iqbal Library has developed a special collection for visually impaired students. The collection includes Braille books, DVDs/CDs, DAISY-Digital Talking Books etc. Various local, National and International news papers are available to the users for keeping them up-to-date. Through e-Shodhsindhu consortium, Library is getting access to leading Bibliographic Database known as J-Gate plus or J-Gate Custom Content for Consortia (JCCC) where under the contents pages, abstract and full text articles (wherever available) in Science, Social Science and Humanities are made available to the users on-line. The JCCC provides article-level access for all the journals subscribed by the e-Shodhsindhu consortium as well as journals subscribed by 22 university libraries designated as Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Centres of the INFLIBNET Centre. For articles from journals that are not accessible in a given university, the interface facilitates semi-automatic generation of ILL request directly from user(s) to the INFLIBNET Centre or to one of the ILL Centres as the case may be.
Photocopying facility at nominal rates is also provided to the readers in the Library. Internet Access centre in the library comprising of three labs and E-Resources centre with around 80 computers provides high speed Internet connectivity to University faculty, research scholars and students so that they can communicate conveniently and collaborate with academic counterparts locally and Internationally. Besides, wireless network access (Wi-Fi) for those who would prefer to bring their own laptops or notebook are also available. Wi-Fi configuration of laptops and notebooks are also provided by browsing staff.
The Library distinguishes itself by providing Remote Access Facility (RAF) to all the subscribed electronic journals and journals accessible via e-Shodhsindhu consortium. This facility helps the registered users to access all the E-Resources available at Allama Iqbal Library from any part of the world through the Internet.
The entire collection of Central Library is bar coded and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification System) tagged and therefore Allama Iqbal Library is unique in successfully implementing RFID technology in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Library has a 24x7 Library Facilities Centre which remains open round the clock throughout the year and provides a wide area for reading and study. Daily locals, national and some international newspapers are displayed here.
The ‘Career Corner’ at First floor of the library houses latest material for the students preparing for Competitive tests and Civil Service examinations. The Career corner has individual Study Carrels for students and Research Scholars.